
Our bus drivers have complete authority over all scholars that are registered to ride on their bus routes. It is each scholar's responsibility to follow all bus rules and regulations specified in our Parent and Scholar Handbook. It is the responsibility of each scholar and parent to read the Parent and Scholar Handbook.
LP Transportation Overview
Legacy Prep provides bus transportation to any scholar in need of an alternate form of transportation to make it to and from school. Bus transportation seats have limited availability and are given on a first come first serve basis. The bus transportation enrollment form will be linked on our Panther Express Newsletter as well as our official Legacy Prep website.
When selecting bus routes and times it is imperative that you choose a location that is convenient for both parents and scholars. Scholars should be picked up from bus stops once the bus arrives. It would be most helpful if parents arrive ten (10) minutes prior to pick-up and drop-off times to ensure that scholars are able to load and unload on time. If you miss your loading time it is the parents responsibility to make sure that the scholar makes it to school. If you are not present to retrieve your scholar at the designated drop-off time your scholar will be brought back to Legacy Prep at the end of the bus route, and parents will have to retrieve their scholar from the school.
LP Bus Behavior Expectations
A. Walk on the left, facing traffic, to the bus stop and stay off the roadway at all times while waiting for a bus.
B. Be at your stop ahead of the scheduled bus arrival time and prepared to board the bus.
C. Wait until the bus comes to a COMPLETE stop and a signal from the driver before attempting to get on or off.
D. Cross the roadway, if necessary after leaving a bus, in the following manner:
1. Make certain that the bus is stationary.
2. Upon alighting from the bus, stand on the side of the road at a point ten (10) feet in front of the bus and wait for the proper signal to cross.
3. Upon signal from the driver, look to both the right and left and proceed across the roadway in front of the bus. Never cross behind the bus!
E. Stay seated in your assigned seat at all times.
F. No food or drink on the bus.
G. No talking during railroad crossings
H. Voice level should remain at a level 1 or quieter.